Summer – Focus

Summer – Focus

Summer – Focus


Welcome to July, a month of warmth, vitality, and the full bloom of nature’s healing abundance. As the sun shines bright and the world around us flourishes, it’s the perfect time to deepen your connection with natural healing and embrace the gifts of this vibrant season. Join us as we embark on a journey of holistic well-being, tapping into the wisdom of nature and nurturing our mind, body, and spirit.

Sun-Kissed Wellness: Harness the power of sunlight and let it nourish your body and soul. Spend time outdoors, soak up the sun’s gentle rays, and absorb natural vitamin D, vital for bone health and immune function. But remember, practice safe sun exposure and protect your skin with natural sunscreens and shade when needed.

Seasonal Eating: Indulge in the abundance of fresh, local produce available during summer. Fill your plate with vibrant fruits, crisp vegetables, and nourishing herbs. Celebrate the bountiful harvest and savor the flavors of nature’s gifts while providing your body with essential nutrients and antioxidants.

Outdoor Movement: Take advantage of the longer days and embrace outdoor activities that energize and invigorate. Engage in joyful exercises such as hiking, swimming, cycling, or practicing yoga in nature. Let the great outdoors be your gym, allowing the healing energy of nature to inspire and rejuvenate your body and mind.

Herbal Remedies: Dive into the world of herbal medicine and explore the healing properties of summer herbs. Discover the cooling and calming effects of lavender, chamomile, or peppermint. Incorporate herbal teas, infusions, or herbal preparations into your self-care routine, supporting your well-being in a gentle and natural way.

Nature’s Spa: Turn to Mother Nature for rejuvenating self-care rituals. Create your own natural beauty and skincare products using ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, or honey. Engage in grounding activities like forest bathing or walking barefoot on grass, connecting with the earth’s healing energy.

Mindful Moments: Cultivate mindfulness and embrace the present moment. Practice meditation, deep breathing, or mindfulness exercises outdoors, allowing the sights, sounds, and scents of nature to anchor your awareness. Let go of distractions and nurture a sense of calm and inner peace.

Water Therapy: Take advantage of the warm weather by incorporating water therapy into your routine. Enjoy refreshing swims, spend time near natural bodies of water, or create a tranquil oasis at home with a soothing bath infused with essential oils or flower petals. Allow the water to cleanse, refresh, and restore your vitality.

Gratitude for Nature: Develop a deep sense of gratitude for the beauty and healing power of the natural world. Take time each day to appreciate the simple wonders around you—the blooming flowers, the gentle breeze, the singing birds. Express your gratitude for nature’s gifts and let it infuse your heart with joy and contentment.

Sustainable Living: Explore eco-friendly practices that support the well-being of both yourself and the planet. Reduce waste, embrace recycling, and choose sustainable products. Connect with the earth by starting a garden, composting, or supporting local farmers and artisans.

Connection and Community: Engage with like-minded individuals and communities who share your passion for natural healing. Attend local wellness events, join online forums or social media groups, and participate in workshops or classes. Embrace the support, knowledge, and inspiration that come from connecting with others on the healing journey.

Embrace the abundant energy of July and immerse yourself in the wonders of natural healing. Let the vitality of the season guide you towards optimal well-being and deepen your connection with the healing powers of nature. May this month be a time of growth, renewal, and transformation on your holistic path.

Seasonal Foods

In July, there is an abundance of fresh and flavorful produce available. The specific seasonal foods can vary depending on your region’s climate and growing conditions. However, here are some commonly available seasonal foods in many regions during July:

Berries: July is the peak season for various berries, including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and cherries. These colorful and delicious fruits are packed with antioxidants and make a perfect addition to desserts, salads, or enjoyed on their own.

Stone Fruits: Enjoy juicy and fragrant stone fruits such as peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, and pluots. These fruits are incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed fresh, grilled, baked, or used in jams, preserves, and fruit salads.

Melons: Watermelons, cantaloupes, and honeydews are refreshing and hydrating options during the hot summer months. They are rich in vitamins and minerals and can be enjoyed as a snack, in salads, or blended into refreshing smoothies and juices.

Tomatoes: July brings an abundance of ripe and flavorful tomatoes. From juicy beefsteak tomatoes to sweet cherry tomatoes and heirloom varieties, they are perfect for salads, sandwiches, salsas, and homemade sauces.

Corn: Sweet and tender corn on the cob is a quintessential summer treat. Enjoy grilled or boiled corn and savor its natural sweetness. Corn can also be used in salads, soups, or made into creamy corn chowders.

Zucchini and Summer Squash: Zucchini and summer squash thrive in July, and they are versatile vegetables that can be sautéed, grilled, roasted, or used in baked goods like zucchini bread. They add a mild flavor and a delightful crunch to various dishes.

Leafy Greens: Various leafy greens, such as spinach, lettuce, kale, and Swiss chard, can be found in abundance during July. They are packed with nutrients and can be used in salads, stir-fries, smoothies, or lightly sautéed as a side dish.

Fresh Herbs: Herbs like basil, mint, cilantro, parsley, and dill are plentiful in July. They add vibrant flavors to your dishes, whether used in salads, marinades, dressings, or as a garnish for your meals.

Remember to check with local farmers’ markets, farm stands, and community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs in your area to find the specific seasonal foods available near you during July. The availability may also vary based on your geographical location and climate.

Here are some great sources for seasonal recipes:

25 Summer Recipes You’ll Want to Make Forever 
Our 29 Best July Recipes
What to Cook This July

Special Days and Observances

National Picnic Month –

Celebrate National Picnic Month: Embrace the Outdoors and Savor the Joys of Al Fresco Dining!

1 – National Watermelon Day
4 – Independence Day (4th of July)
11 – International Raw Food Day



This is a great time to check out local farmer's markets
and support your local community and enjoy seasonal foods at it's best!

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5 Reasons Why Eating Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables is the Best Decision You’ll Make for Your Health and the Environment

April - Monthly Focus

Why You Should Eat Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables

Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables has several important benefits for both our health and the environment. Here are some reasons why it is important to eat seasonal produce:

Nutritional value: Seasonal produce is often fresher and more nutritious than produce that is out of season. Fruits and vegetables that are grown in their natural season have more time to ripen and develop their full nutritional content, which means they have a higher vitamin and mineral content.

Flavor: Seasonal produce is often more flavorful than produce that is grown out of season and shipped from other parts of the world. Eating locally grown, in-season produce can provide a more diverse and flavorful diet.

Cost: Seasonal produce is usually less expensive than out-of-season produce because it does not need to be shipped from far away. This can help make healthy eating more accessible and affordable.

Sustainability: Eating seasonal produce can help reduce the carbon footprint of our food system. Produce that is shipped long distances requires more fuel for transportation, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. By eating locally grown, in-season produce, we can reduce our impact on the environment.

Buy Local:  When we choose to eat seasonal produce that is grown by local farmers, we are supporting our local food system and the livelihoods of those who grow our food. Visit local farmer’s markets. Find yours here

In summary, eating seasonal fruits and vegetables is important for our health, our wallets, and the environment. By incorporating seasonal produce into our diets, we can enjoy the benefits of fresh, nutritious, and flavorful food while supporting our local food system and reducing our impact on the planet.

Disclaimer: We are an affiliate of many companies, which means that we may receive a commission if you click on our affiliate link and make a purchase. However, this does not affect our reviews and comparisons. We strive to provide honest opinions and recommendations based on our own experiences and research. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.

From Western to Eastern Medicine

From Western to Eastern Medicine

From Western to Eastern Medicine

“Unlocking the Secrets of Eastern Medicine: How Ancient Practices Can Revolutionize Your Health Today”

Hey there, Lovely! If you’re here, you are probably researching ways that you can take back control of your body, your mind, and your health! I’m so glad that you made it!! I pray that this information will travel to your heart and make an impression on you so that you may use it to become a happier and healthier you! I pray for guidance and restoration and above all, I pray that you love yourself!

Western Medicine. What is it? Well, in a nutshell, if you see a physician in the United States, you are taking part in Western Medicine. The definition of Western Medicine, according to Cleveland Clinic is as follows:

“Western medicine has its roots in the Western part of the world, namely Greece. Experts credit the Greek physician Hippocrates as being the father of Western medicine. Hippocrates and Hippocratic physicians believed that illnesses were the result of imbalances between blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm (what they called “the humors”). These physicians looked for bodily causes of illnesses. Their treatments focused on restoring this humoral balance.”

This was the beginning of Western Medicine! It spans millennia and many plants and herbs were used to treat conditions. You can even find many of the remedies used throughout The Holy Bible! Of course, with growing technology, Western Medicine does not have the same holistic approach as it did at one time. More and more synthetic drugs are being manufactured by pharmaceutical companies and used for the treatment of patients. This has been shown to bring along more side effects in patients which, in turn, will be treated with more synthetic drugs. It seems to be a never-ending cycle!

Eastern Medicine also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has its roots in the Eastern part of the world, mainly China. TCM is still strongly rooted in holistic approaches to healing and concentrates on ancient remedies that Western Medicine used. While Western Medicine focuses on using a specific drug to treat a medical condition in millions of patients, Eastern Medicine focuses on treating the person as a whole instead of just the symptoms. TCM does not only tackle the physical body but also looks at the mind and spirit. It consists of treatments such as massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, and herbal remedies. Eastern Medicine does not have as many evidence-based findings as Western Medicine does, so it is not looked at as much in the Western World. However, some western physicians do incorporate TCM, more commonly known as “complementary medicine”, along with their prescribed antidotes.

So, which route are you taking now? Do you want to change it? Add it? Which medicine is better? For me, it seems the more I study Eastern Medicine the more I am drawn to the concepts behind it. I have seen chiropractors for years and have also practiced physical therapy and deep tissue massaging to help with my inflammation and pain and I absolutely love it! These things have helped me more than anything else I have encountered such as medications and surgeries. So I’m leaning more toward the East at this point in my life.

And that brings me here, writing my first blog “From Eastern to Western Medicine!” I am researching, learning, and applying it for myself at this very moment. I bring you, Lovely, on this journey with me and hope that, together, we may learn so many refreshing concepts about the earth and how it can heal. What do we have to lose? Let’s find our happier and healthier selves together!
Be sure to check out our Community Area. I would love to connect with you and share in your journey.

Disclaimer: We are an affiliate of many companies, which means that we may receive a commission if you click on our affiliate link and make a purchase. However, this does not affect our reviews and comparisons. We strive to provide honest opinions and recommendations based on our own experiences and research. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.

Where Life Begins

Where Life Begins

TEH Where Life Begins BLOG Image

Where Life Begins?

What is the meaning of it?
When does it begin?
When does it end?
Am I living it now?

Hey there, Lovely! If you’re here, you are probably researching ways that you can take back control of your body, your mind, and your health! I’m so glad that you made it! ! I pray that this information will travel to your heart and make an impression on it so that you may use it to become a happier and healthier you! I pray for guidance and restoration and above all, I pray that you love yourself!

Life, according to Webster’s Dictionary is defined as:

1. the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body
2. a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings
3. an organismic state characterized by the capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction

1. the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual
2. one or more aspects of the process of living

As you can see, life has many meanings. And to top it off, these aren’t the only meanings listed in Webster’s Dictionary! Life means different things to different people. I know what it means to me. What is life to you? Is it the quality of it? Does it look happy? Healthy? Serene? Is it all based on your experience and growth? My life fits the definition of 2b perfectly. To me, it’s many aspects of the process of living. I want to live my life with the knowledge of how to make the process a most enjoyable one for me and the people around me. It may be something different for you and that’s A-okay! You do you, Beauty. Let’s explore this thing together!

You may be wondering where to start. I was in the same predicament and even though I wanted to do all the things to change my health at one time, I knew that would be impossible. And before I even started on this new journey I studied A LOT! I listened to podcasts, read blogs, followed health websites, read books, confided in others, and made some short and long-term goals. Once I had my thoughts on paper and a good foundation from researching I was ready to begin!

I have suffered from many ailments in my 47 years. Which, most of them have been over the course of the last 12 years of my life. It’s like I have been hit by one bomb after another! These things I’ll go into detail about later in other posts, but for now, I am just starting my journey to finding a happier and healthier me! I hope to find the exact combination that I need for my specific genealogy just as I hope you find yours as well.

I want to share with you how I started this journey. Feel free to follow the advice that I give but make sure that you take steps that are right for you. No two people are the same and we all must find our way ourselves.

Steps to begin the journey of healthy, natural living:

1. Find some podcasts about holistic living and/or ancient medicine
I had no idea where to start! All I knew is that I wanted to learn about other practices to maintain a healthy lifestyle and I wanted to conquer this naturally. So, I picked up my phone, opened my podcast app, and searched for “Living a holistic lifestyle as a Christian.” Since being a Christian is very important to me I added that to my search. I was bombarded with many podcast shows! I chose one and I started listening to it in the morning while I got ready for work and listened on the way to work. That was it. It was a small step, but it was one of the best steps I could have taken! We all have to start somewhere. No matter how small we start, it’s a movement toward something new and it has the power to manifest in our lives!

2. Figure out where you want to spend your focus on
I know, I know. Now you want to fix everything! After listening to some podcasts I’m sure you are feeling overwhelmed by all the poisons you’re putting into your body and you want them all out and replaced with nature! But, again, we have to start somewhere. So, choose just one or two things you want to focus on first. For me, it was gut health and inflammation because I knew that the majority of my issues came from the gut and my inflammation was causing me chronic pain in my daily life. Both were hindering my way of living. What’s yours? Brainstorm. Write down what is weighing on you. If you have it on paper, you’ll likely find THE THING that’s interfering with living.

3. Write SMART goals
Write short and long-term goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Making sure your goals are written with all of these objectives you’re more likely to reach those goals! Having short and long-term goals are imperative to success! We have to see our progress! Making goals too large and hard to reach will lead to frustration and oftentimes will end in giving up.

4. Put “Natural Healing” on the budget for the month
If you don’t put this new lifestyle expense on your monthly budget you will spend too much at one time. You’ll want all the things! Remember, we are starting small. One small step. Put the amount down that you know you can afford and don’t go over! Just do what you know you can do. If you don’t add the expense into your budget or you go over the budget you will tell yourself that you can’t afford to lead this healthy lifestyle and will quit in the end. By budgeting this and staying within your budget you’re also pacing yourself and not diving in too quickly.

5. Remind yourself every day of why you’re doing this
Make sure you do things throughout the day to remind yourself of what you are doing and why you’re doing it! Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are worth the extra expense. Write down different materials that pertain to you and hang them where you will see them often like on your bathroom mirror or refrigerator. It’s good to journal your daily walk into this newfound life too and to list 3-4 things that you are thankful for every day (one being the new healthy you, of course). Do anything that is going to cause you to have a more positive outlook in your daily walk. A happy heart is a heart that will have empathy for yourself and be quick to forgive the slip-ups on this difficult journey.

By following these simple steps and tailoring them to your own, I know that you’ll be able to begin your journey to a healthy, natural life! If you’re frustrated, I GET IT! If you’re confused, I GET IT! If you just feel lost, I GET IT! Together, Lovely, we will make this life mean so much more than we would have ever dreamed it to be! Here is to living the life we are meant to live! Here is to the true definition of life….our own.

Come over to our Community Area to share your journey. We are creating a community where we can share our successes and our journeys in a supportive and productive way.


Disclaimer: We are an affiliate of many companies, which means that we may receive a commission if you click on our affiliate link and make a purchase. However, this does not affect our reviews and comparisons. We strive to provide honest opinions and recommendations based on our own experiences and research. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.

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